.NET Website Registration - .NET Domain Whois Information - Register .NET .com/.net Domains
International domain registration and IP protection since 1997

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.com/.net .net Domain Whois Information - .net (network) is a generic top-level domain (gTLD) used on the Internet's Domain Name System. .net is one of the original top-level domains (despite not being mentioned in RFC 920), created in January 1985. In addition to being an abbreviation for "network", "net" is also a romanisation of the Russian word ("no" or "not", also commonly romanised as the more authentically pronounced "nyet"), and a domain name like "object.net" can be interpreted s "there is no object". Some domains exploit this fun, for example mozga.net (brain absent).


Check availabilty
Important: When entering your search string don't write "www" or the .com/.net domain type, ie. "net". Therefore to search "www.bb-online.net" enter "bb-online" and nothing else.

The only letters allowed within a domain name are:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Spaces are NOT ALLOWED.

.net Domain Fees

Prices in Australian Dollars (AUD) Pound Sterling (GBP) Danish Krone (DKK) Euros (EUR) New Zealand Dollars (NZD) Swedish Krona (SEK) US Dollars (USD)

Please Note: Some domain names may be classified by the registry as a premium domain name and will command a higher price.

General Availabilty Pricing

Term New Renew
1 year$88.70kr431€58.00£46.00$100.60kr627$62.20R922.00 $48.20kr234€31.50£25.00$54.70kr341$33.80R501.00  
2 years$109.90kr534€71.90£57.00$124.70kr777$77.00R1143.00 $94.50kr459€61.80£49.00$107.20kr668$66.20R982.00  
3 years$120.50kr586€78.80£62.50$136.70kr851$84.50R1253.00 $142.70kr694€93.30£74.00$161.90kr1008$100.00R1484.00  
4 years$157.10kr764€102.70£81.50$178.30kr1110$110.10R1634.00 $189.90kr923€124.20£98.50$215.40kr1342$133.10R1975.00  
5 years$191.80kr933€125.40£99.50$217.60kr1356$134.50R1995.00 $237.10kr1153€155.10£123.00$269.00kr1676$166.20R2466.00  
6 years$222.70kr1083€145.60£115.50$252.60kr1574$156.10R2316.00 $285.30kr1387€186.60£148.00$323.70kr2016$200.00R2967.00  
7 years$253.50kr1233€165.80£131.50$287.60kr1791$177.70R2637.00 $332.50kr1617€217.50£172.50$377.30kr2350$233.10R3459.00  
8 years$285.30kr1387€186.60£148.00$323.70kr2016$200.00R2967.00 $380.70kr1851€249.00£197.50$432.00kr2691$266.90R3960.00  
9 years$314.20kr1528€205.50£163.00$356.50kr2221$220.30R3268.00 $426.00kr2072€278.60£221.00$483.40kr3011$298.60R4431.00  
10 years$337.40kr1641€220.60£175.00$382.80kr2384$236.50R3509.00 $474.20kr2306€310.10£246.00$538.10kr3351$332.40R4932.00  

.net Domain Whois Information

.net domain registration

$88.70kr431€58.00£46.00$100.60kr627$62.20R922.00 for 1 year.

.net Whois Delegation Record