.xn--l1acc - .xn--l1acc General Information - Register .xn--l1acc - Mongolian Domains
International domain registration and IP protection since 1997

Support: +44 (0)1582 572148 (Standard rate call)

.mn is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Mongolia. Some second-level domains are reserved for special use, such as:. .gov.mn - government institutions.edu.mn - educational institutions.org.mn - non-profit organisationsThe U.S. The registry doesn't generally require specific second-level domains. The .mn domain name is becoming more popular in Minnesota, but it still is not widely recognized.

мон is an IDN (International Domain Name), these characters cannot be used with DNS (Domain Naming System), as such these are formed by using an ASCII encoded string xn--l1acc.

You may sometimes see the domain мон represented as xn--l1acc.


Search and Register

.мон Domain Prices

This domain is currently un-available for registration

Period Registration Renewal
Not yet delegated.
Domain Registration Renewal
mn International Domain Name Registration .mn$82.60kr362€48.50£42.60$87.70kr524$50.50R988.00 $76.10kr333€44.60£39.20$80.80kr483$46.50R910.00
Not yet delegated.
org.mn International Domain Name Registration .org.mn$82.60kr362€48.50£42.60$87.70kr524$50.50R988.00 $76.10kr333€44.60£39.20$80.80kr483$46.50R910.00
Not yet delegated.
edu.mn International Domain Name Registration .edu.mn$68.70kr301€40.30£35.40$72.90kr436$42.00R822.00 $45.00kr197€26.40£23.20$47.80kr285$27.50R538.00
Not yet delegated.
gov.mn International Domain Name Registration .gov.mn$68.70kr301€40.30£35.40$72.90kr436$42.00R822.00 $45.00kr197€26.40£23.20$47.80kr285$27.50R538.00
Not yet delegated.

.мон Domain Notes

Note: The registry may classify some domain names as premium domain names if so classfied they will command a higher price.

мон domains include 3rd party fees and maintenance & during the registration period. If you wish to transfer your мон domain away during your registration period you are free do do so without charge. We do not charge an administration fee.

.мон Details

Registry: The registry is Datacom

Purpose: Entities connected with Mongolia

Whois Information: for .мон

Once your .мон domain is registered

Once registered the .мон domain is placed on our international server, provinding an under-construction page for your .мон domain, for as long as required. (This enables a browser of your мон domain to readily identify that it is registered).

We can also supply free of charge.

E-mail redirection.

Web redirection.

Whois Privacy.

and more....

Free transfer away if required. We do not and will not charge release / transfer or administration fees for transferring domains to a different мон domain name registrars. The domain name is yours and not ours, unlike many other companies, "We recognise that fact!"

.мон Registration

.мон domain registration

Price available upon request. Request Price

.мон Background Information

.mn is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Mongolia. It is administered by Datacom. The domain name is composed of the consonants in the first syllable of the country name.

Some second-level domains are reserved for special use, such as: .gov.mn - government institutions.edu.mn - educational institutions.org.mn - non-profit organisationsThe U.S. state of Minnesota also makes limited use of the domain, such as mapping www.leg.state.mn.us, the site for the Minnesota State Legislature, to www.leg.mn with a CNAME record.

The registry doesn't generally require specific second-level domains. As of 2006, the registry doesn't yet support Internationalized domain names.

The .mn domain name is becoming more popular in Minnesota, but it still is not widely recognized. The .MN domain in Minnesota is used primarily as a 'clever' domain name like vita.mn (a play on vitamin), or for location specific sites like apartments.mn. A search on Google for .MN yields mostly State of Minnesota domains like .mn.us or .mn.gov.


July 2007 estimate 2,951,786 (139th) - 2000 census 2,407,500 - Density 1.7/km2 (238th) 4.4/sq mi


(PPP) 2007 estimate - Total $8.426 billion - Per capita $3,222

National Anthem

"ϣϾϻϾϩ ϩϻ ԨϹϠϻ ϳϩϗϩ" National anthem of Mongolia


Total 1,564,116 km2 (19th) 603,909 sq mi - Water (%) 0.6

International Dialling Code



Tȵgrȵg (MNT)


Parliamentary republic - President Nambaryn Enkhbayar - Prime Minister Sanjaagiin Bayar Formation - Formation of the Mongol Empire 1206 - Independence declared (from Qing Empire) December 29, 1911



Time Zone

(UTC+7 to +8) Date formatsyyyy.mm.dd (CE)
Mongolia is a landlocked country in East and Central Asia. It borders Russia to the north and People's Republic of China to the south, east and west. Although Mongolia does not share a border with Kazakhstan, its western-most point is only a few miles from Kazakhstan's eastern tip. Ulan Bator, the capital and largest city, is home to about 38% of the population. Mongolia's political system is a parliamentary republic.

The area of what is now Mongolia has been ruled by various nomadic empires, including the Xiongnu, the Rouran, the Xianbei, the Gȵkturks, and others. The Mongol Empire was founded by Genghis Khan in 1206. After the collapse of the Yuan Dynasty, theMongols returned to their earlier patterns. In the 16th and 17th centuries, Mongolia came under the influence of Tibetan Buddhism. At the end of the 17th century, most of Mongolia had been incorporated into the area ruled by the Qing Dynasty. During the collapse of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, Mngolia declared independence, but had to struggle until 1921 to firmly establish de-facto independence, and until 1945 to gain international recognition. As a consequence, it came under strong Russian and Soviet influence: In 1924, the Mongolian People's Republic was declared, and Mongolian politics began to follow the same patterns as Soviet politics of the time. After the breakdown of communist regimes in Eastern Europe in late 1989, Mongolia saw its own Democratic Revolution in early 1990, which led to a multi-party system, a new constitution in 1992, and the - rather rough - transition to a market economy.

Background information supplied by Wikipedia.It is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License

.мон Assignment

How Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) assign the .мон domain. IANA is a department of ICANN, a non-profit private American corporation, they oversees IP address allocation, root zone management in the Do main Name System (DNS), and other Internet related symbols and numbers.

.мон Assignment

Facts & Figures

Domain Facts & Figures : Billing Periods, Renewal details, delegation details and more. Everything you need to know about your Mongolia .(мон) domain.

.мон Facts

.мон Renewals

You may renew your .мон domain without logging into your control panel by using our quick and painfree renewal service, or even transfer it into bbonline to be renewed if necessary.

.мон Renewals

Other Mongolian (мон) Domains:

.mn, .мон, .org.mn, .edu.mn, .gov.mn,


Premium Domain Names

The registry may list some names as a premium domain name, if so this domain will be charged at a higher price than the one listed. We will contact you before completing your order if you order one of these names.

Reserved Names

The registry reserves some names for its own use, and may not mark them as registered. We may only discover this at the time of attempted registration.