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.書籍 Whois Record - .書籍 Delegation Details - .書籍 Book Whois

Global Domains: Book (.書籍)


Important: When entering your search string don't write “www” or the Book domain type, ie. “.書籍”. Therefore to search “” enter “bb-online” and nothing else.

The only letters allowed within a domain name are: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Spaces are NOT ALLOWED.


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.書籍 - Whois Delegation Record

% IANA WHOIS server
% for more information on IANA, visit
% This query returned 1 object

domain: 書籍
domain-ace: XN--ROVU88B

organisation: Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
address: 410 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109
address: United States

contact: administrative
name: Stacey King
organisation: Amazon Registry Services
address: 410 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109
address: United States
phone: +1-206-740-8515
fax-no: +1-206-946-7702

contact: technical
name: Sean Kaine
organisation: Neustar, Inc.
address: 46000 Center Oak Plaza, Sterling, VA 20166
address: United States
phone: +1-571-434-5168
fax-no: +1-571-434-5401

nserver: NS1.DNS.NIC.XN--ROVU88B 2610:a1:1071:0:0:0:1:4c
nserver: NS2.DNS.NIC.XN--ROVU88B 2610:a1:1072:0:0:0:1:4c
nserver: NS3.DNS.NIC.XN--ROVU88B 2610:a1:1073:0:0:0:1:4c
nserver: NS4.DNS.NIC.XN--ROVU88B 2610:a1:1074:0:0:0:1:4c
nserver: NS5.DNS.NIC.XN--ROVU88B 2610:a1:1075:0:0:0:1:4c
nserver: NS6.DNS.NIC.XN--ROVU88B 2610:a1:1076:0:0:0:1:4c
ds-rdata: 26669 8 1 77AE48B421AD80CA46CAFF9365DBE505ED0ECDF7
ds-rdata: 26669 8 2 C41AC3314B8BB08DA69D66E8307AE3EC815E00FC740D77D34F962C9DE7038616
ds-rdata: 35230 8 1 0DF70D4B5CE4C8196B5740412D8FC18E56AC574D
ds-rdata: 35230 8 2 904C84BD941BD174C5746FF7CDE1C2BD458DE82F070527BB6459B7330AB2E6B0

status: ACTIVE
remarks: Registration information:

created: 2016-01-29
changed: 2016-12-02
source: IANA

Our prices shown for Book are totally inclusive of maintenance and all third party fees incurred during the course of registration. We guarantee that no additional costs - hidden or otherwise - will be added .

International domain names from BB Online since 1997